Thursday, January 28, 2010


Fundamentalists are strong supporters of the bible. However, unlike many others who support the bible, fundamentalists are against changes in cultural values that oppose a threat to the values within the Bible. Those Fundamentalists who strongly supported Christian teachings, and believed that spiritual, historical and scientific ideas where only true if the bible agreed with them. Fundamentalists are extremely well known for their part in the Scopes Trial, and the idea of teaching evolution within society. John Scopes was brought to court for teaching the ideas of evolution to his students. According to Fundamentalists, the ideas of evolution did not agree with the ideas portrayed within the bible. As a result of the trial, evolution was not taught in schools for many years. This result was a “winning situation” for the Fundamentalists who had for years held campaigns to ban the teaching of evolution in schools. However, the teachings of evolution were not the only ideas that Fundamentalists argued against. Fundamentalists accused the U.S. government of supporting secular humanism. The idea of secular humanism goes against supernatural ideas, and supports that ethics are to be made by humans, not made for humans to follow. Even in modern day society, Fundamentalists argue against abortion, gays and lesbians, and other new age ideas. In essence, Fundamentalists support original, traditional ideas and roles, all inspired by their beliefs and support of the bible.

"fundamentalism." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .


The idea of religion has faced many challenges in becoming part of every day societal life. One of the biggest debates over religion was about whether it should be involved in public education. Many people were in favor of religious influences over public education. However, this idea is so odd because of how diverse America is. America is full of many different religions, and is said to be one of the most free countries in the world, so how could anyone choose one religion to influence a whole diverse population? Even more then that is the idea that other religions are resisted. For example, Jews were looked down upon and Judaism was resisted for many years. However, one of the most popular religions followed in America, Christianity, originated from Judaism. Therefore, how is it that one religion can be so antisemitic towards another. Another large conflict that religion deals with is the idea of science. There are many religious ideas that have been disproved by science. However, the science - religion debate is sewn inside of the religious - educational debate. At one point in American history, teachings of evolution were banned within schools. Why? Because the theory of evolution was not supported by the bible. One of the largest ideas that America needs to accept is that the bible and science are two completely different things. As many people do not believe all of science's proving, many people also do not believe in the bible. America has no one religion, and there should be no one religion which dominates education, science, or the country as a whole.


Obama’s speech illustrated hope for improvement within America. One of the ideas that I connected with most was Obama’s ideas about college funds. He stated that no American should be punished for getting a college education. I completely agree with this idea. It is true when he says that a high school diploma rarely allows someone to obtain a steady, good paying, job. Therefore, people go to college to further their education, in order to be eligible for better jobs, and those better jobs are jobs that will support the economy, and improve America as a whole. However, as he stated many middle class families find it hard to pay for college, and even harder to pay now because of the recession. Obama has good ideas about education. He wants to make colleges more affordable for those middle class families because he sees the importance of a high class education. He believes one of the other first steps is to improve the elementary schools in all 50 states. Within Chicago, many children are not receiving an education that will help prepare them for college, or even make them eligible for good college education. Obama has strong, positive ideas about what the future of America should look like; however, I feel that he still needs to create a strong plan of action in order to reach this future America. Obama's ideas are easy to agree with, and please many people. But the president is not meant to be a people pleaser. He is meant to run our country. Therefore, Obama needs to act on his ideas, or America will stay in the same situation as it is now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

FOR A FUN TIME PLAY: Where's Waldo?

I have no idea how to blog, or what to write about in a blog. However, Trem is sitting next to me looking dazzling as ever.

Anyways, Where's Waldo?